
let the sushi roll

This will be a short post. In the handful of times that I have considered posting an entry in the last few months, I have been intimidated by trying to avoid negativity, be honest, and actually write something interesting. Not today, though--it was simply a good day.

Today, Krystin and I made sushi. After a quick explanation from Krystin, I was rolling my own. It's actually pretty easy. And the resulting food was delicious. Best of all, there are leftovers in the fridge. Sushi can be a breakfast food, no? In all, an evening well spent.

On tomorrow's list of things undone: making another hardcover journal from scratch. I'll try and toss some pictures and captions on the blog after it's finished.

Photo caption: Black Sesame Reverse Roll with Asparagus and Carrots. Hot dang, I'm good. [grin]


In other news, Alban will be here in six days and Lance in eleven. Zoinks!
(That's a cry of excitement for those deprived of a childhood exposure to Scooby Doo.)