
in the interest of civility and succinctness

I haven't posted in five months. Simple procrastination morphed into a horrible aversion to explaining why I haven't posted in so long. The answer: there is no good reason. So in the interest of civility and succinctness, here is a short synopsis of the last five months.

Managed to not embarrass myself academically while sitting for my science-y finals. Enjoyed time at home, especially Christmas dinner.

Made my own vacation and saw Barack Obama become the 44th president of the United States of America in person. It was totally worth the little sleep, freezing temperatures, and long waits. Also spent time with good friends. Spent the rest of the month catching up in school.

Turned 23. Decided to not watch TV for the first month of my 23rd year. Applied for research internships. Offered positions in Thailand and California. Hesitated very little before choosing Thailand.

Enjoyed the company of visiting friends. Survived more exams. Got a B+ in a class that I should have aced. Realized that the crappy grade was my fault; should have taken the class seriously. Spent spring break cleaning carpet and reading books. Enjoyed watching the original Star Wars trilogy on the 31st day of my 23rd year.

Struggling to stay motivated in school. Enjoying the weather outside, but exasperated by other things. Among those things, realizing that I have gone completely to seed over the winter--nasty revelation.