
i love words, or why the average british newspaper spanks its american counterpart

And I quote,
New York Diary | Politics | The Guardian
Wonderful news, if by "wonderful" you mean "only marginally less enjoyable than unanaesthetised self-trepanation".

Oh, how I love to read sharp, witty words--especially those which require a dictionary. [sigh]


o motivational gods, be ye kind!

apparently, this blogging thing takes more self-discipline than i've got going on lately. and today is not the day to launch a crusade to publish the world's longest blog post. read: my words will be few.

it's sunny in the double walla. spring has sprung, and there are only twenty-two days left of school before i head off to thailand. the only thing marring that pristine vista is the borderline cataclysmic amount of exams, readings, papers, and preparation to be done. ugh. may the motivation gods be benevolent.